Thursday, March 10, 2005

Zelda Trailer at GDC

A new Zelda trailer has premiered at the Game Developers Conference! I have to keep reminding myself that this is a GameCube release, not a next-generation project... It looks like it's going to be an epic poem whose magnitude we have not felt since a work of art that just happens to be one of its predecessors, Ocarina of Time. The wait will be excruciatingly long. (Is it just me or does it almost feel excruciating to say excruciating?) I think you all know what I'll want for Christmas.


At 3/17/2005 01:17:00 AM, Blogger RetroFuturist remarked...

Oh, you want to play semantics, do you?

Fine, even though the word "excruciating" has today become an expression non-exclusive to the Crucifixion -- for purpose of grandiloquent literature -- I will no longer use it if you insist upon a blasphemous connotation.

But then I will expect you to study the etymology of each and every word in the English language and adhere singularly to their exact, original meanings and usage.

So...Zelda... The wait will be pleasantly short compared to the excruciatingly long hours in the throes of death that Jesus suffered upon the cross of His Crucifixion...



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