Saturday, April 23, 2005

Wanted: More Mixtapes

Here's the deal: I'm really in the mood for some mixtapes. I've been listening to cohesive-album-statement artistry for so long that I'm feeling empty without the excitement of being passed a grimy mixtape full of hot new joints and juicy cuts. After being on-the-go with my iPod for the past weeks, I realized that I need something more immediate than my sparse hip-hop electronica or moody experimental post-rock. Something like a "check this out" mixtape. So feel free to hand me something that fits the bill. If you're not up to that, make recommendations on commercially-sold mixtapes or compilations. There are a lot out there, but I admit that they barely fall within my sphere of awareness. As far as I'm concerned, Rawkus' Soundbombing II is the greatest commercial mixtape ever made. Am I wrong? I'd be glad to have you prove that. 'Cause it's been 6 years since Rawkus put that out...


At 4/27/2005 05:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous remarked...

stones throw 101 might be what ur lookin for



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