Friday, December 03, 2004

Film Quick Review: In America

As the tale of an Irish immigrant family over the course of its first year in America, the film's best moments are on par with the finest quality of drama. The daily goings-on in a new, unfamiliar country -- in New York's notorious Hell's Kitchen, no less -- are shown with a stark reality (good and bad) from an outsider's viewpoint. However, a significant portion of the movie is bogged down in melodrama, mainly due to a mass of contrived tragedies and the inherent small bouts of overacting that are a result of such storytelling. While the film is a solid piece, it could have benefited from a cleaner focus and thus become a truly great film.

Score: 7.0


At 1/30/2005 10:48:00 AM, Blogger Ward Jenkins remarked...

This movie was brilliant. When you have kids, it'll all make sense. Trust me. Andrea and I just practically broke down in tears when it was all over. A very moving and very wonderful film.



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