Monday, December 06, 2004

Who's to Blame for the Matrix?

I noticed a very curious link posted in Tycho's blog at Penny Arcade today. Someone has apparently successfully sued Warner Bros. for plagiarizing her original manuscript for what eventually became The Matrix. One Sophia Stewart is now set to reap huge (and I mean huge) amounts of money. But what's huge to me is the mere breaking of this news story; until this day, I had never heard the slightest thing about this claim or case even though this was a contest that's taken a few years to finalize.

I guess this means that the Wachowski brothers were never the bold, creative visionaries that people originally thought. But I could've told you just as much after witnessing the debacles that are The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, which might be the only real contributions that the Wachowskis made to the Matrix canon. I've always thought that the original movie was the only part of this bloated multimedia franchise worth anything at all. Now we're being told that the Wachowskis never even came up with that one work of meritable worth even though it's presiding proudly on their resume? These guys ought to be blackballed!

What really piques my interest in all this mess, however, is an offhand reference to Stewart also now being credited for creating The Terminator. Unfortunately, nothing else is mentioned in regard to that bit of news. I need to know more! This is craziness! Who is this lady?



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